Slots Gamer World

Double Or Nothing

The Truth About Online Slots – Are They Rigged?

SLOTS are the popular term for a random number selection system. A slot machine, also called the fruit machines, slots, the pugs, fruit machines or slots, is an electronic gambling machine that generates a game of luck for its users. The term came from the earliest description of slots in a manual distributed by the National Casino Association (NCAA). Slots are found all over the world and are a well-known game at casinos.

In slots there are certain symbols that are followed by; the player that results in a win. Those symbols are called the “reels” in the jargon of the gambling community. The three reels of a slot machine are the spins, the icons, and the symbols or “bets”.

  • The icons are the graphical images that are seen while playing slots.
  • These are the most familiar visual cues we have when we play slots.
  • The icons have been called the virtual reels in the gambling world and are represented by circles, squares, triangles, and the like.
  • The circle represents a straight line between two icons. The squares and the triangle are divided in terms of their width by a center line.

Slots work on the same basic principle; of the slot machines we have all observed and felt at the casino floors. The object of the game is to hit a red symbol on the machine and this will result in the “bets” being paid off. The actual mechanism by which this happens is that the circular icon is triggered by the magnetic attraction of another circle on the opposite side of it. When this happens the vertical bars on the machine touch the bars together by contact and this causes them to pull apart thus giving you your win. The virtual reels are therefore a mechanism that enables slot machines to give us our wins without the direct involvement of the players.

How then can the online slots berigged?

 There are many theories circulating around, but none can explain how they work. The best way to find out is to try it for yourself. The only way that I know of to ensure a win on any machine is to install a plug-in into your computer and play the machine. This way you will be able to determine for sure if you are actually using a slot or not. Although there are no guarantees, you can be sure that the odds of you winning are increased if you do have an advantage over the other slot players.

To put a simply, the odds are in favour of you winning if you play slots and the payout is reduced if you bet at the wrong time or place your bet in the wrong way. I have found that by carefully choosing the times that I play, the number of bets that I make and the way that I place them all has a significant impact on the outcome. By carefully selecting these factors you will be able to increase your chance of winning and reduce the payout of any bad gambles that you may try your luck with.